
Our Provision

KS3 Provision and All Girls group KS3 and KS4

Both provisions at Just Learn Independent School is a means of supporting mainstream schools that have identified the need for additional intervention for students who require additional support outside a mainstream environment.

This provision is the only all girl’s intervention in the London Borough of Merton.

The aim of both these provisions/interventions are to provide a restorative experience of education within a structured and safe environment, adopting a “nurture” style of education. The objectives of these provision’s aim:

  • to actively work towards student reintegration into their mainstream school or reintegration into their next appropriate step
  • to move pupils to a level, socially, emotionally, where they are better placed to achieve academically
  • the learning experience focuses on supporting them to achieve more, through integrated educational pathways promoting trust, communication skills enabling young people to grow in confidence and self-esteem

EAL Satellite Group

We have developed our curriculum for young people who are new arrivals to the UK in year 11 with limited English with care, considering their life experiences and needs.

The curriculum is designed to provide students with a platform for their next steps. English and Mathematics is of the highest priority. The learning programs are academic, vocational, flexible and personalised, meeting the needs of individual students.



to provide individual educational and social pathways that support young people to build a positive pathway to their future.

We want the pupils of Just Learn to…

Achieve 5 GCSE qualifications or equivalent

Leave with a recognised qualification in English and Mathematics

Develop positive relationships with staff and other pupils

Develop independence and self-confidence

Progress successfully to their choice of further education, employments or training

Become a productive member of society, participating and contributing

We will do this by…

providing a broad, balanced, tailored and suitably challenging curriculum which adapts to meet the needs of each pupil


Across all our sites the curriculum is implemented and delivered through the ‘Just Learn Way’. This embodies high quality teaching and is supported by strategies that are strongly evidence based. Practice is shaped by 5 specific approaches,

  • Explicit teaching
  • Cognitive learning strategies
  • Scaffolding
  • Flexible grouping
  • Using technology

Our staff continually develop a repertoire of strategies which they can use daily and flexibly in response to individual needs. The focus is on improving the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom and ensuring that pupils are full members of the school community who have a positive experience.

All students are assessed on entry to the school through GL assessments (NGRT, NGST, CAT4) and ESOL placement tests for those attending the ESOL site.

The teaching and exploration of life skills is embedded within the curriculum and is taught explicitly through our PHSE programme.

Our curriculum is designed to build pupils confidence to learn, to stretch and challenge providing pupils with the mainstream skills they are likely to need in the wider world by,

  • removing barriers to learning
  • enabling students to have the best chance of a successful transition to education, employment or training.
  • offering personalised pathways for students
Core curriculumEnglish LanguageMathematicsBiologyChemistryBusiness StudiesICT
Embedded in and across both our Key stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Curriculum is CEIAG and PHSE and RSE. We use this to explore…
PHSE/RSEHealth and Wellbeing
Mental health and Emotional Wellbeing
Healthy Lifestyles
Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
Managing risks and Personal Safety
Puberty, Sexual health, and fertility
Positive relationships
Relationship values
Forming and maintaining respectful relationships
Conception and parenthood
Bullying, abuse, and discrimination
Social influences
Living in the Wider World
Choices and Pathways
Work and career
Employment rights and responsibilities
Financial choices
Media literacy and digital resilience
CEAIGPrince’s Trust Achieve Programme on Careers Planning
Just Learn delivers education across a number of sites. Each site offers a personalised pathway for the pupils in our care. This enables Just Learn to meet the needs of all its pupils in the most appropriate way.
Key StageKS3 & KS4KS3 and KS4KS4   
InterventionsJust Learn’s specialist team has the skills and capacity to deliver a number of targeted interventions to students within the school. The intervention programme is led by our SENDCo. The interventions chosen are evidence-based to provide the most impact on student progress and development. They are delivered by specially trained staff (ELSA) or are supported by external specialists (e.g., SALT) and are purposefully used to develop skills, fill gaps, and support learning.


Impacts onHow?What?
Standards and achievementGaps in achievement are identified and acted upon. Identify best practice in teaching, learning, and assessment to ensure the best curriculum impact.Pupils receive targeted intervention and support. Pupils achieve 5 GCSEs or equivalent.
Personal developmentStudent learning journals. Student mentoring sessions. Students’ one-on-one meetings with key workers. Students’ academic review day meetings.Pupils develop their social skills. Pupils make positive relationships. Pupils can respond to the needs of others. Pupils increase their confidence and can talk about their strengths. Pupils increase their independence.
The ability and confidence of students to make positive choices about the futureClass teaching, small group, and personalized sessions led or supervised by a qualified and experienced CEIAG lead (Level 7).CEIAG and PHSE lessons ensure that pupils know how to reflect on themselves. They are making choices and plans for the future.
ProgressInterventions have the necessary impact to improve pupil progress. They are varied and meet the needs of students.Pupils achieve through assessment data.
Cultural CapitalThe ‘disadvantage gap’ is reduced through increasing the cultural capital of pupils. A broad curriculum and opportunities such as visits and language exploration, and explicit use of disciplinary literacy provide a foundation on which to build.Cultural capital is increased through knowledge gained about the wider world, significant events and people, and associated vocabulary.