Girls Provision

Our Girls Provision Provides Alternative Education for young girls between the age of 11-16. We have a self-contained dedicated site for our Girls which is in close proximity to the main site. We are able to offer learning and development for KS3 and KS4 in addition to our dedicated mentoring staff to support our girls through to Post 16.

The aim of this all girl’s intervention is to provide a restorative experience of education within a structured and safe environment.  The learning experience of all our students embraces the five areas of Every Child Matters, promoting trust, communication skills, enabling young people to grow in confidence and self-esteem.  We reward learning by building relationships based on high expectations and choice.

The all girl’s provision at Just Learn Independent School is a means of supporting mainstream schools that have identified the need for an additional intervention for girls who require additional support, outside a mainstream environment. Our school has an inclusive ethos that supports the learning and wellbeing of all students.

The aim of this intervention is to actively work towards student reintegration into their mainstream school or reintegration into their next appropriate step. The objective of this intervention is to move the student to a level, socially, emotionally and educationally, where they are better placed to achieve academically.

Teaching staff and teaching assistants’ model positive relationships and there is an emphasis on the development of language and communication skills and a focus on social, emotional well-being and challenging behaviour.

As well as developing curriculum-based skills, young people will be encouraged to celebrate their own progress with acquiring skills such as listening and sharing that will reduce or remove barriers to learning thus enabling successful reintegration into their mainstream classroom.

The provision includes increased levels of personalisation and differentiation according to needs, with structured individual programmes. Individual Plans with clear targets are developed and monitored for impact.